Keysight Technologies N5173B

PRODUCT Signal Generator
DESCRIPTION EXG X-Series Microwave Analog Signal Generator, 9 kHz to 40 GHz Signal Generator
SKU: N/A Category:

Product Overview

Key Features and Functions:

  • 1 GHz
  • 4 analog plus 16 digital channels
  • Identify the most elusive problems with a 4 GSa/s sample rate
  • Easily capture long signals while maintaining a high sample rate with up to 8 Mpts deep memory
  • Find intermittent problems more quickly with 100,000 wfms/s waveform update rate
  • View and debug FPGAs faster with tailored software
  • Connect easily with standard USB, LAN, GPIB, XGA out, and LXI compliant connectivity
  • Test in more locations with the only battery power option

Bring your toughest problems into focus with the right combination of features and performance. If you work with analog, digital and serial circuitry, Keysight Technologies, Inc. 6000 Series oscilloscopes give you the tools you need for the fastest debug of your design.
Mixed signal oscilloscope (MSO) models and the traditional 2-and 4-channel digital storage oscilloscope (DSO) models are optimized with the capabilities you need for verifying and
debugging designs that include embedded serial, microcontrollers, DSPs, FPGAs, ADCs and DACs.